Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Assignment 3 References

This is Domo. He's my reference. He's a toy/plush.

This is the photo of Big Willy. He is also my reference. He can be found in the game Destroy All Humans.

Assignment 3 Completion

Completed the clouds, and added some text in the drawing using the text tool.

I wrote those captions to make this card interesting. The "Me want your cake" captioned is then stylized using outer and inner glow.

My assignment 3 is complete.

Content : Process

Firstly, I made a black background. Then, I drew lots of stars using circles. The big shiny star up there is made by pen tool. Lastly, the stars are glowed using the outer glow stylize effect.

The next step involves of creating a planet, or a moon i suppose. If you used to see movies, planets have glows around them including Earth. The outer glow effect is then applied to the whit planet.

Lastly, Domo is placed on the big glowing planet.

Domo: Process

The base shape is made and black outer glows are created to form shadows.
The mouth, eyes and teeth are added to form Domo. Later on, shadow details are added.
Afterwards, hands are drawn. Using a pen tool.
Legs are formed using pen tool and the same base colours.
Lastly, shadows and lighting are drawn using a pen tool. There, domo is finished.

Neon City : The Process

The city background is a radial gradient of grey and red. It is rectangular in shape.

The ground is made also with the same gradient. The ground is then added an outer glow effect. Can be found in Stylize. Its a normal colour mode.

Buildings and houses are drawn and there are stain marks on the streets made with charcoal brush tool. The shadow of the house is made by adjusting the opacity of the layer.

Details are added. The cracks are made with the brush (charcoal).

Yellow lights are added to the windows on the buildings. Light glows are made with outer glow tool.

Big Willy is placed in Neon City destructing everything. He even eats human. The cake emblem on his shirt is made with live trace. We don't want too much detail on that, Big Willy is The Object. The final details are adding the clouds.

Big Willy Layers

This is Big Willy with no fills. Lots of layers, messy!

Big Willy's Legs & Final Details

The base shape is drawn. Used pen tool and radial gradient.

The shoes are made but still a basic shape and details are added to the legs.

Metal threads are drawn to his leg joints and the shoes are detailed. Final details are also added on Big Willy. All made by using pen tool and gradient

Big Willy's Arms

Firstly, draw the base shape with pen tool. Make the colour as realistic as possible by using gradients.

I made the shines on his hand by using lighter colour. Made using pen tool. Also with gradient.

I added the final details and shadows to his arms. Opacity of all these layers are 100%. NO TRANSPARENT. For brighter colours.

Big Willy's Body

As usual, the first step is to draw the base shape and colour it with a base colour. A gradient is added.

And then, I added some details for the body. The shapes are drawn by pen tool and layering technique. It is organized. Gradient is also used.

Added some final details on the body. Drew some very small circles around the waist to represent screws, since Big Willy is big.

Process: Big Willy Head

I drew a base shape to make the head. It's a basic coloured shape. Made with pen tool. The slot for the eye is made by right clicking the shape and set compound path, to make it a compund.

After drawing the base, I moved on to the base details located on the head. No opacity had been changed to mantain a solid colour. The same above technique is used. Also added some 2-coloured and 3-coloured radial and linear gradient on this part.

I made the details on the face by drawing the eyebrows, pupils and ears. Used Pen-tool.

Made a new layer and drew a teeth for the head. Also the jaw is drawn, first with a base colour then added some details.

Hair, mouth, shadows and details are drawn using the pen tool with 100% opacity. The head is finished. As you can see, i used gradient tool to make the colour looks realistic.

Friday, May 1, 2009